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Rinny、アメリカの大学でアシスタントコーチ Rinnyがアメリカの北東部にあるとある大学で女子テニス部のアシスタントコーチをしてるお部屋。ちなみにトーナメントにも出場中。

Three Principals


I'd like to talk about three principals of "Learning".

They are "Trust", "Awareness", and "Responsibility".
By the way, I've got this info from United States Professional Tennis Association's one of dvds.

No one is ダメ人間. What makes ダメ人間, if ever there is, is your own mind.
You've got to believe in you.
Who will trust you if you can't trust yourself, hah?

You have to take your own responsibility.
Your life is yours. You decide what to do, don't let anyone else take the responsibility.
For instance, I saw a news about "派遣切り". They are blaming on company they fired. They are saying 「俺たちの生活の保障をしろ!」
Well, F○CK YOU!!
Which part of "Temporary" job you didn't understand?
なので、you should take care of your own sh○t!!

Last but not least, "Awareness"
You have to know what your problems are before someone telling you.
Some people might argue by saying, "Well, I don't know what my problems are and that's why I'm asking you."
And I know this is not always the case. At least, you have to think deeper.
There are three reasons that you can't fix your problem even you know what that is.
1. Not enough discipline or going on wrong direction.
2. Don't have enough time.
3. Still think it's ok.

No matter what you are trying to learn, these three things are the key factors.



P.S. 近々、重要発表があります。
その他 | 投稿者 Rinny 12:57 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)
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Rinny 07/03 07:40
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